H e l l o th e r e !

I’m an aspiring designer from India. My work explores the fight between mind and body. The results are representative of nuanced mind expressions and body language, generally with an eye towards the feminine experience. It navigates and collaborates within mediums like fashion, wood and digital media. Every time I lose myself in the process of making art, I find my way back by following an interest in creating work that intrigues and uses South Asian, mostly Indian women. My work also aims to destroy a certain stereotype associated with my subjects, managing to address their power while informing and reminding the public eye of their rights.

I’m currently a Senior pursuing Fashion and Fibers at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Additionally I have experience in Print media, Photography and Graphic Design.

Rajvi, What should I wear?
— Mom

^ basically why I am pursuing fashion today


A c h i e v e m e n t s

Presidential scholarship : 2018

Nominee of the scholars Program : 2019

Dean’s list for Outstanding Sophomores : 2020


Dean’s list remark



Digital Pattern making

Machine embroidery

Hand embroidery




Headwear Design


Fiber and Material Studies

Fashion illustration

Social Media management

+ other basic skills